Every
detail
meticulously
crafted,
every
curve
designed
to
dazzle,
the
Golden
Age
of
luxury
is
here:
the
Equista
Linea
d'Oro,based
on
the
Rolls
Royce
Spectre.
每一处细节精心雕琢,每一道曲线都设计得令人目眩,奢华的黄金时代已然到来:迈莎锐Equista
Linea
d'Oro,基于劳斯莱斯闪灵打造。
is
taking
e-mobility
to
a
level
never
before
seen
with
this
stunning
exterior
and
interior
customization
ensuring
luxury
and
performance.
迈莎锐将电动出行提升至前所未有的高度,通过令人惊艳的外观和内饰定制,完美融合了奢华与性能。
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文章来源:MANSORY迈莎锐官方